Thursday, April 15, 2010

I propose we make some playdough


>How to make playdough

> How making playdough relates to chemistry

Materials: 1 cup of salt, 1 cup flour, 1 cup water, and food coloring

1. Pour all ingredients into a large pot
2. Stir constantly on a medium heat
3. Keep stirring until the dough forms into a ball
4. Knead the dough until it is dough like texture
5. Knead in food coloring for color (optional)
6. store in a plastic contain, lasts for 3 months

Safety Percautions:
>Keep away from any pets. The smell of the playdough smells like food
> avoid rubbing the ingredients near your eyes

scientific principles:
1. The liquid, water, keeps the ingredients together and makes
it malleable
2. The solid, salt, dissolves into the water
3. The liquid, food coloring, mixes with the ingredients make it a certain color

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