Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mini blog #1-Filling up a cup upside down

Today i filled up a cup upisde down without spilling any of it

Materials: Cup, Plate, Match, and liquid

> Get a cup and a plate
> With the plate put some soda or any type of liquid on it
> With the liquid on a plate in the middle put something that will hold a match
> after lighting the match put the match in the thing that will be holding it
> Cover the lighted match with the cup
> With the cup covering the match there is no oxygen getting the match so the match burns
> and then the liquid fills the class.
Is when the cup was over the match it burned out because with the cup covering it
The match didn't get any oxygen and the liquid on the plate, i used soda because it was carbinated, absorbed the oxygen and left the co2 behind and with absorbing the oxygen the liquid filled the cup.
Photocredit: Myself

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