Thursday, March 25, 2010

Energy Test (scary)

We had an energy and it was hard. The equations were so difficult and it was 120 points and it was so so hard. we got it back in class and I did so bad and it brought my grade down to a C+ and i am like 2% away from a B-. I will try much harder next test :)

Graphing Experiments

In class we have been doing experiements with graphing and we get the numbers from a gauge pressure and volume and i have been understanding what we have been doing. Like we have been given a local pressure and had to do the equation GxCF and I know how to do it now. It is so exciting I like the unit that we are in

Awesome experiments

In chem we had a guest come in and show us some experiments that had to do with pressure, air, the atmosphere and gravity. I learned a couple things with the demos that he did like that Otto Von Guericke invented the vaccum pump. I also learned that fluid substances flow from high to low pressure. So the experiements were fun and I got to participate in one of the experiments and It was fun to have a guest in the class to learn from someone different.

Friday, March 19, 2010


In chem we learned that in cool water the molecules don't move has fast and in hot oil the molecules move really fast.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

In class we made elephant toothpaste and when we got to touch it, it made my fingers yellow and made them smell super bad