Friday, February 12, 2010

Homegoing :) rally

So in the rally today there was a dance crew and there was a really really hot guy on the team and Karissa took a picture with him and i am so jealous of her and the leadership class because they got to take picture with them I am so sad and Mr.olson was in the rally too he was dancing to micheal jackson with the other teachers and he was an ok dancer :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

In chem today we melted Mg to add O to get Mgo and we measured the Mg to get the weight of it and we did an equation to figure it out and we figured the equation out
to get the percent error

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


in a couple of labs this week we had som blocks to help us balance equatins. Balancing equations is hard, but when you usethe blocks it makes it easier and when you have people at your lab table they are a good source to helping you after the blocks and help from my teammates i am really good at balancing equations now. Chem seems to be getting better especially with compostition books that we can use on the test. :) :) :) :)

Blinding light

In chem today Mr. Olson did a demonstration with us that was really bright. He took us outside and he had 4 volunteers. The volunteers took a string of some kind of metal and light it with a lighter. Once the metal thing caught on fire it made this bright light like it was as bright as the sun it ws pretty cool, but once you looked at it it blinded your eyes it was awesome. I thought the demonstration was great and bright and blinding. :)


In chemistry we did a lab that made a strong barking noise. In the lab we filled test tube half with water then we put calcium in it and then w put another test tube on top of the other test tube with the test tube that went on the other test tube, we took it off and put a lighter under the tube and when we did that itmade a loud dog barking like noise. The first time we did it we didn't know that the noise was going to happen it scared us alot. bye bye bye bye until next lab. :)