Friday, December 11, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


ON friday i have a chem test and i am so scared that i am going to fail another stuff because i don't get any of the stuff that we learn in class and i really have to study and play the games on schoolloop so that it will help me learn more and study notes and ask questions and stuff like that yup so ya i am nervous that i am going to fail,but if i study really hard hopefully i will pass. :) :):):):):):):):):):)

Cartoon for chem

We did this worksheet in chem that was a cartoon strip about a polar bear and some peguins taking away each others ice cream and it represent the bonds that the bigger element took away and it was pretty cool because it was a different type of way to learn the stuff about that yup that was all that have about that.

nail polish remover- acetone acetone- nail polish remover

As a chem project we had create a webpage for the element that we had and so i had acetone and acetone is in nail polish remover. Acetone helps remove stains for like mechanics and stuff like that. I did different things to explain what acetone was and ya it was ok to do, but i did learn what aetone was in and what it did yup that is all.

water moves without touching it

So today in chem we did this lab that when u rub this plastic stick with the friction it moved the water and it was really cool to play with the stick to move the water and like you can move the stick to where you move the stream so that the water doesn't even touch the cup it was pretty cool with the other liquids too but the water was the best one to play with.