Thursday, November 5, 2009

Colors colors everywhere

We did this graph that shows the different colors and it looks like the rainbow its like skittles of the rainbow and the graph shows the different wavelengths of the colors so ya and there is a test on friday and i am going to fail it and i need to STUDY alot so i can pass a test because i have not passed a test in this chem class ahahahahahahahah HELP!!!!!!! i can only help myself so i need to study alot alot alot alot!!!!!! Skittles taste the Rainbow!!!! bye bye bye bye bye bye

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Visible light

In Chem we did this lab that you can see these surrden color of lights and the different number when you change the wavelength and we graphed on monday to see if the color went through the right light an today we test different things like salt and sugar and copper and rubbing alcohol to see if it was a conducter or not or if it dissolves and we have a test on friday and i am so nervous because ever test that i have taken in this class i hve failed ahahahahahahah!!!! so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so scared scared scared scared scared scared scared!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye until next time time on chemistry in mr. olsons class