Friday, August 28, 2009

chemistry <3

In chemistry class yesterday we had a lab that was interesting.... i guess. We measured test tubes and other little things and i am not very good with the weighing thing. First we perdicting how much it weighed in grams and then we weighed it and then we did some math to figure out how far our guess was from the actual answer. yup yup yup yup so much fun :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

penny of gold

Yesterday in chemistry class we turned a penny to glod...not real gold. I took a ditrt, ugly looking penny and i turned it shiny. First we put the penny in zinc...not sure what it is, and it turned it silver, but i think it just coated it so that the color will change to gold. After we took the penny out of the zinc we put the penny over the fire and it turned gold after a few seconds and yayayaya it is cool.


suppppppp!!My goals in life are to go to college and to become a nurse at a children's hospital or be a prenatal nurse. I love working with children. After high school i would like to join some kind of program for helping in a hospital and so on yayaya....