Friday, December 11, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


ON friday i have a chem test and i am so scared that i am going to fail another stuff because i don't get any of the stuff that we learn in class and i really have to study and play the games on schoolloop so that it will help me learn more and study notes and ask questions and stuff like that yup so ya i am nervous that i am going to fail,but if i study really hard hopefully i will pass. :) :):):):):):):):):):)

Cartoon for chem

We did this worksheet in chem that was a cartoon strip about a polar bear and some peguins taking away each others ice cream and it represent the bonds that the bigger element took away and it was pretty cool because it was a different type of way to learn the stuff about that yup that was all that have about that.

nail polish remover- acetone acetone- nail polish remover

As a chem project we had create a webpage for the element that we had and so i had acetone and acetone is in nail polish remover. Acetone helps remove stains for like mechanics and stuff like that. I did different things to explain what acetone was and ya it was ok to do, but i did learn what aetone was in and what it did yup that is all.

water moves without touching it

So today in chem we did this lab that when u rub this plastic stick with the friction it moved the water and it was really cool to play with the stick to move the water and like you can move the stick to where you move the stream so that the water doesn't even touch the cup it was pretty cool with the other liquids too but the water was the best one to play with.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Colors colors everywhere

We did this graph that shows the different colors and it looks like the rainbow its like skittles of the rainbow and the graph shows the different wavelengths of the colors so ya and there is a test on friday and i am going to fail it and i need to STUDY alot so i can pass a test because i have not passed a test in this chem class ahahahahahahahah HELP!!!!!!! i can only help myself so i need to study alot alot alot alot!!!!!! Skittles taste the Rainbow!!!! bye bye bye bye bye bye

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Visible light

In Chem we did this lab that you can see these surrden color of lights and the different number when you change the wavelength and we graphed on monday to see if the color went through the right light an today we test different things like salt and sugar and copper and rubbing alcohol to see if it was a conducter or not or if it dissolves and we have a test on friday and i am so nervous because ever test that i have taken in this class i hve failed ahahahahahahah!!!! so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so scared scared scared scared scared scared scared!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye until next time time on chemistry in mr. olsons class

Thursday, October 15, 2009

movie of the year

so chem we are watching this documentary about a whole thought of stuff about chemistry and it keeps going and it never ends and it is really long, but it is a really good documentary. It doesn't seem like a documentary at all it seems like a movie and it is really good and a good learning experinece and a good way of learning it gives alot of information and i really like it which is shocking but i get really into it and i dont know why???????

Sunday, October 11, 2009

interesting movie

In chem we were watching this interesting movie. I thought that a movie chem is boring,but when we starting watching it was really good. It wasn't really a movie it was more of an inforamtion movie then a regular movie, but it was really good. I learned alot from it. We haven't finished it yet though i hope we finish it soon because i want to know what happens. Can't wait for monday to see what happens next!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mist in the air

Today in chem it was cool Mr. Olson had dry ice and he had different ways of doing stuff with it like he had a big bowl of water and put the dry ice in it and it clouded up and it looked really cool. He also put soap around the outside of the bowl and then on top of the bowl he had a burst balloon with soap on it and put soap on the top of the bowl and with the mist it blew and bubble and when poped it bursted with the mist and then we put dry ice in a bottle and and put a balloon over it and it blew the balloon up cool cool awesome!! Also today we had a isa test and hopefully i did better then the last one cuz the last one i failed and i think i did better this time and we have a big test on friday and i am nervous but i can do it just study study!!! adios adios bye

Thursday, September 17, 2009


In Chem there was nothing really interesting, but we learned alot like learning about the periodic table and how to use it and it is really easy for me because i atually get how to do it. I also have to do a webpage project and i am hydrogen and it is an easy element to write about. So that is all that i remember that we learned, but chem is still fun because Mr. olson is a fun teacher and his learnins ways like singing to remember formulas and stuff like that makes it easy to remember. yupyupyupyupyup that is about it:):):o:p

Thursday, September 10, 2009

chemistry this week

So chemistry this week was ok. We got our test back in chemistry and i failed it. The test was really hard. On Wednesday we had to do a performance on the units singing a song and it was really fun. I sang with alberta and karissa and we were really bad, but it was still worth it. We did a lab with the perodic table and matching the cards in the right order by color and the electrons and other stuff to order the cards by. That was about all we did, we had a short week this week because of labor day and then we had back to school night so we get out early on friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yayayayayayayayaya!!!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

chemistry <3

In chemistry class yesterday we had a lab that was interesting.... i guess. We measured test tubes and other little things and i am not very good with the weighing thing. First we perdicting how much it weighed in grams and then we weighed it and then we did some math to figure out how far our guess was from the actual answer. yup yup yup yup so much fun :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

penny of gold

Yesterday in chemistry class we turned a penny to glod...not real gold. I took a ditrt, ugly looking penny and i turned it shiny. First we put the penny in zinc...not sure what it is, and it turned it silver, but i think it just coated it so that the color will change to gold. After we took the penny out of the zinc we put the penny over the fire and it turned gold after a few seconds and yayayaya it is cool.


suppppppp!!My goals in life are to go to college and to become a nurse at a children's hospital or be a prenatal nurse. I love working with children. After high school i would like to join some kind of program for helping in a hospital and so on yayaya....